Domain Name Disputes

Domain Name Disputes

Domain name dispute mainly arises from the practice of cybersquatting which involves pre-emptive trademark registration from third parties which exploits the rule of first come first served domain name registration. Massive evolution of the internet every company and startups are owning a domain name in their company name. Before filing an application for acquiring a domain name a proper search is done to see if their desired domain name is already acquired. If the company discovers that the domain name that corresponds to their product trademark or corporate name is owned by someone else, they have two options: they can choose a different name or take legal action to reclaim the domain name from the current owners. 

The Internet community does not have a consensus that would enable domain name registries to pre-screen applications for names that might be troublesome. There are several reasons for this, including the ease with which companies can be registered, and the practical challenges of identifying the rightful owner of a domain name. 

Indus Marks helps its clients in resolving domain name disputes and conduct extensive consultation with the members of the internet community and help in finding the solution for the domain name disputes. 

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