IP Valuation

IP Valuation

Intellectual Property Valuation is a process of determining the monetary worth of the intangible asset. To determine the worth of the relevant IP assets like trademark, copyright, design and patent. You must conduct an IP valuation if you intend to purchase, sell, or licence intellectual property. IP Valuation required to be carried out under circumstances such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Franchising, Licensing, Litigation, Tax planning, Compliance, Transfer pricing, fund raising, Bankruptcy etc.

Intellectual Property Valuation is one of the most crucial parts of IP and important to understand the market value of your IP asset. Over time the value of IP assets can rise and fall depending on its strength, reputation and uniqueness. Valuation can be carried out by three methods: Market based method, Cost based method and Income based method. Our experts at Indus Marks help you in choosing the appropriate method to approach the suited method to valuate your Intellectual Property and other intangible assets.

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