IP Watch Services

IP Watch Services

Intellectual Property Watch is nothing but keeping an eye on the IP activity of your competitors and monitoring technology. IP watch includes Trademark watch, Patent watch, and Design watch. It helps in monitoring the latest technologies and information on relevant acquisitions. IP watch is a tool to analyze and detect infringement and safeguard your brands.

IP surveillance services Keep an eye on trademark registers in a specific jurisdiction, searching for recently published marks, recently filed applications, and/or registered marks that are identical to or remarkably similar to the mark owned by our client for the same class of products or services.

A patent watch is a useful tool for examining both the newest and oldest technologies. Relevant details that an IP watch can provide include updates on newly formed patent families, the statutory validity of individual patents, pending applications, and expired patents. Reporting frequency varies depending on the technology of interest.

We assist:

- Our clients monitor different kinds of trademark applications and find identical and/or similar marks, depending on the criteria you've chosen, these kinds of services assist you in spotting possible infringement.
- Suggest product or technology modification that may infringe on the other party’s IP right.
- Understand the current state of intellectual property fairly well.
- Keep an eye on recently published patent applications and/or granted patents in relevant jurisdictions within a particular technical field.

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